
Job Checks

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Job Checks for Accredited Employers

A Job Check is to ensure that there are no New Zealand citizens or residents available and suitable for a job.

Securing a ‘Job Check’ is the second step, required by INZ, for employers to be able to hire a worker who requires a visa. This can only be done by Employers who have been granted accreditation and is needed for a visa application to be lodged.

Essentially, the steps are

  1. Employer Accreditation – ‘Is your business able to employ migrant workers?’
  2. Job Check – ‘Can this job be offered to a migrant?’
  3. Migrant Check – ‘Does the proposed migrant worker meet INZ and job check standards?’

The Job Check was formerly included as part of the visa process but INZ have now made a stand alone application with distinct process, increased requirements and an application fee.  With changing rules, required detail and higher scrutiny, these ‘moving pieces’ can be tricky to manage and ensure that INZ accept that genuine attempts have been made to find Kiwi workers.

Luckily, INZ have confirmed that Immigration Advisers are able to act on the Employers behalf to undertake the required accreditation work.

Request a chat about your specific Job Check questions & needs.

Job Check Summary

  • Duration: These last for 6 months (or end of employer accreditation)
  • Used for: one specific role. So, if you have two identical roles, that would be one check but a X role and a Sr. X role would be two job checks.
  • Essentials:
    • Compliance with market rate terms & conditions, including median wage payment of $29.66 (averaged over pay period and accommodation inclusive where applicable)
    • Compliance with employment law; assessment of job offer and employment agreement
    • Completion of a “genuine” labour market test, including Advertising for some roles – national and WINZ.
    • Related documents, e.g., IEA, position description
  • Time Considerations: INZ initially stated a target decision day of 10 days from submission but that is now closer to 4 weeks.  Prior to submission is up to 3 weeks of advertising.  All up, plan for 2 months
  • Cost: $610 application fee  (for agencies, added service fee will apply)


Some Green list roles may not require advertising (e.g., some senior positions); however, most require a ‘genuine’ labour market test which starts with Advertising

  • 21 days minimum on national advertising with employer declaration where there are Suitable Kiwis/Resident Visa holders
    • Lower threshhold for what makes a Kiwi applicant ‘unsuitable’
    • Note: INZ have shortened this for dairy jobs until 14 July 2024
  • 21 days of the role being listed with WINZ for certain roles
    • Note: WINZ have up to 5 biz days to start the advertising
  • Clear and full disclosure on pay, accommodation (if applicable), hours, requirements and duties

Its important to make sure that you’re stated requirements aren’t so rigid that they potentially disqualify a worker whom you’d normally find appealing

Labour Market Test

Assessing applicants for suitability, including engaging Kiwi or NZ Residents to determine their ability to meet your job requirements based on their experience and traits relative to your stated needs.

Some lower skilled positions are deemed ‘trainable’ by INZ so a lack of experience doesn’t automatically disqualify them in the eyes of INZ as suitably qualified candidates.

Declaration of Kiwi/NZ Resident applicants and outcomes






INZ require a sample employment agreement inclusive of

  • mandatory employment law and immigration rule clauses inclusions
  • position description
  • details that align with what is advertising, notably, title, schedule, hours, pay and duties
  • optional org charts so that INZ, who hold this discretion, can determine if the position is needed (!)



Employer Accreditation

  • You can find out more HERE but, in summary, there are levels of accreditation for employers requiring up to 5 staff needing visas (‘Standard’) and 6+ workers  (‘High Volume’ )
  • Duration: 12 Months.  Upon renewal, 24 months
  • Cost & Process Times: Standard is $740; High Volume is $1,220 with processing INZ taking between 5 days to 3 weeks
  • INZ Requirements: Proof of Financial and Employer Compliance

Migrant Worker Check

  • Work evidence/certificates/diplomas.  INZ have formalised visa eligibility based on evidence of experience and/or degree:
    • generally 3+ years’ relevant work experience; or,
    • a relevant qualification equivalent to NZQA Level 4 (NZQA assessed)
    • a Bachelor’s degree or higher
  • English language test (basic) for ANZSCO levels 4-5
  • Health (eMedicals)
  • Character (e.g. Police Certificates)
  • Identity (Passport)

This cost will sit with the worker unless otherwise agreed.

Cost: $750. INZ Processing target: 20 business days

What’s Next

If you need to make sure you’re in control in hiring who and when you need, you should get in touch to ensure that the process is done right and efficiently to avoid delays or declines – as well as INZ induced frustration.

To have us talk through your needs, steps and timeline, you can contact our immigration team at 09 303 3505 or through email here.

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Auckland 1010. New Zealand

+64 21 711 071 | 0800 891 314

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