

If you want to visit or study in NZ, FRENZ can help.

Coming to NZ to Study

New Zealand is renowned for its high level of education. If you want to come and study here and have an offer of a place to study for more than three months from a NZ Institution, you must apply for a student visa.

The student visa will have a length according to your study plans.

  • You will need to show that you have enough money to live in NZ whilst you are studying and a return ticket or the funds to buy one.
  • Students of higher education programmes may be allowed to work for up to 20 hours during school term.
  • Certain courses will allow you to stay on and work in NZ for up to three years post graduation.

Getting a Visa to visit NZ

New Zealand welcomes visitors. A visitor visa will allow you to:

  • visit friends and family
  • study for up to 3 months
  • explore the country

You may also include family members in your application.

In order to acquire a visitor visa, you will need to show evidence that you have sufficient funds for your stay.  Keep in mind, that you also will not be able allowed to work on this type of visa.

Having your parent or grandparent for an extended visit

For migrants who have residency in NZ, and who want to be able to have parents or grandparents come and spend quality time for an extended visit, the Parent and Grandparents Visitor Visa (‘PGVV’) is a relatively unknown solution.

This visa option has far less hassle than a residency process and with better visa conditions than a regular General Visitor Visa (‘GVV’).  It lasts for 3 years and, during that time, allows for up to 6 month annual visits.

You can find out more here.

Bringing your child to NZ

If you are working or studying in NZ, you may be able to sponsor your child to live here with you.

Depending on how old your child is, you may have to apply for a visitor or student visa. If your child was born in New Zealand, you must ensure that you apply for a visa for him/her to remain lawfully in New Zealand.

Contact us for help…

If you want to find out more about requirements and process to secure a visa to study or visit NZ,  you can contact us or fill out a quick form and we’ll contact you.  

If we can help you, we’ll contact you with our terms and all the relevant documents (as required under the Code of Conduct for Licensed Immigration Advisors by the Immigration Advisors Association of New Zealand).

Contact Us

8 Adelaide Street,
Auckland 1010. New Zealand

+64 21 711 071 | 0800 891 314

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