
Family Visa Eligibility Changes

A bit of bad news for migrants hoping to have family join them in NZ.

From 26 June, INZ have said that those migrant visa holders Skilled Level 4-5 roles per ANZSCO are no longer eligible to support work, student or visitor visa applications for their partners and children.

This is sad news but not unprecedented; this was a rule also applied to the previous Essential Skills Work Visa and designed by the government to limit, even discourage workers in these INZ deemed “lower” skills.  What gives added sting to this decision is the immediacy in which this change is enacted which means there’s no room for migrants to make decisions on their future.

Given this, if a partner-based visa has been submitted, the change won’t affect them; however, any applications from today will not be accepted.

Alternative Options

  • Partner AEWV – This does not stop your partner from applying for an AEWV visa in their own right if they can secure the support of an Accredited Employer. If your partner has a bachelor’s degree or three years of relevant experience in their role, this is an option worth exploring.
  • Earning a Herd Manager title – INZ’s decision reinforces the importance of having a Herd Manager title but only if your experience and/or degree supports this.
    • INZ not only have the power to downgrade a Herd Manager Job Check application but will scrutinise your experience against the Job Check and have the power to deem you not suitable for the higher role. If your experience and education aren’t currently a natural path into this role, then we can work with you and your employer on ways that this can happen.

We understand this news will be incredibly disappointing but hopefully, if well managed, this will only be a small hurdle for family reunification. Please get in touch with us to discuss your situation and explore how we might be able to help.

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Auckland 1010. New Zealand

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